$47 initial consultation for new patients
Here at Asquith Family Chiropractors, we are experienced, professional chiropractors, who use gentle, evidence-based techniques. We love caring for the Hornsby community and surrounds, and I’d like to offer new patients, our new amazing deal. We’re offering initial chiropractic consults for just $47 (normally valued at $238). Simply book in to see us and you receive:
- Thorough Initial History & Exam
- Postural & Nerve System Assessment
- Diagnostic XRays if required
- Follow up world class feedback so you have a plan of action
We can help a range of pain, injuries and conditions, including (but not limited to):
- Stiffness in back
- Stiffness in neck
- Headaches & migraines
- Nerve impingement
- Postural problems
- Walking difficulties
- Stiffness in hips
- Sciatica
- Shoulder impingement
- Slipped disc
- Anxiety
- Low Sleep quality
- Stress

To claim your new patient offer, contact us today to book in your $47 initial consultation. We’re looking forward to seeing you in the clinic!
Book your visit by filling in the form below, or call us on 9477 1905:
Tel: 9477 1905
Email: admin@asquithfamilychiropractors.com.au
Address: 59 Edgeworth David Avenue Waitara NSW 2077