Asquith Family Chiropractors hold regular wellness events throughout the year which give you agreater understanding of the body. Get the most out of life with our Chiropractic and holistic wellness events. An interactive way to learn about your body and lead a healthy lifestyle.Keep an eye on this space for upcoming events in Hornsby and surrounds.
Upcoming Events

Rooms for Rent in our vibrant Hornsby practice!
Our Hornsby practice has rooms for rent and is looking for Medical, Mental Health, Allied or Complementary Health practitioners to join our caring health care team. The rooms are bright and airy with a warm feel, located in prime position on a main road with great visibility.
You will be working alongside other complementary health practitioners with great opportunities for cross-referral available. (Please note there is room for practitioners of the same modality.)
The practice has been established for over 30 years and the principle would be happy to support you in establishing your practice. We operate Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 7.00pm and Saturday 8.00am to 5.00pm.
- The use of a large, fully furnished reception room, equipped with up to date reading material, toys for children, HICAPS and EFTPOS, WIFI internet
- Fully-furnished treatment room with storage included
- Reverse cycle air-conditioning.
- Phone line
- Tidy bathroom
- Clean kitchen
- Off street parking
- Advertising on the center information boards
- A profile on our website
- Listing in Natural Therapy Pages
- Inclusion in our regular email newsletter
- Marketing and promotion assistance
We have a number of levels of rental options available to help you establish your own private practice here in Hornsby.
Asquith Family Chiropractors has been a leader in the local health and well-being community forover 30 years. We are a multidisciplinary centre catering for our patients health and well-being in all areas of mind, body and spirit.
We are currently seeking expressions of interest from the following practitioners:
- Psychologist
- Podiatrist
- Osteopath
- Holistic GP
- Hypnotherapist
If you are interested in renting a room from us and becoming part of our professional, friendly and supportive team, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Mark on 0439 443 635 or email